
I started embroidery in February 2019. I tend to follow my nose with processes that feel most embodied to me, feeling that various ways of working meet different needs at different times. At first I was trying embroidery out but this art form has become a huge part of my practice now. At first the embroidery process was a grounding and soothing practice throughout moving countries helping me to bind my experiences together and explore the layers in experiencing a new culture, landscape and surroundings. As I became more immersed in macro nature in embroideries, I was becoming more acquainted with new landscapes, cultures and ways of being. As I developed my embroidery practice I became increasingly driven by exploring the inter connectivity between us and nature, not only in navigating our own experiences through the symbolism and folklore of different creatures, but in an immersive way. Due to the increasing disconnect with nature in the Western World and beyond I am passionate about trying to re-connect us with nature through making and sharing the wonder at all the intricate details in nature patterns, creatures and plants. Through a similar process to macro nature photography, I amplify nature images, paying attention to all the details in creatures, fur, feather and wings. I'm also increasingly curious about how we echo and interact with nature and our surroundings in our behaviors, lives and experiences. Nature patterns are so interconnected with a creature's environment, challenges and lifecycle. By working with moths, butterflies and birds I explore how they mirror their landscape in their patterns, adsorbing gradual changes and reflecting this through their feathers, wings and markings, adapting to ever growing pressures on their environment. I started to see parallel processes with the political climate I found myself in and the adaptability needed in a new place and culture. I love bringing the ancient art of embroidery into the present with contemporary artwork. As my work with these embroideries has progressed I find myself drawn to ever bigger hoops and ways of working. The intention of these embroideries is to evoke a sense of curiosity, connectivity and wonder at all the intricacies in nature that we don't see directly. Alongside my large-scale macro nature series, I write more about my embroidery journey and the business side of my embroidery at www.rabbithatdesigns.com.