A Void
A Group Exhibition with the Winnicott Wednesdays Collective/ A Side B Side Gallery London. UK / April. 2018 An exploration of the voids between us, the capacity to be alone and how social media and political shifts have impacted on us and our interactions. http://winnicottwednesdays.weebly.com/a-void.html |
This exhibition explored the concept of visceral memories experienced by infants, including felt memories from our first maternal (when I write 'maternal' I refer to the environment rather than a gender specific term) holding environment without access to words or a cerebral understanding of the experience, proposed by the psychoanalyst Christopher Bollas in 'The Shadow of the Object' (Bollas, 1987). The exhibition centered around experiences which are not accessible to rational thought but are deeply known in a physical sense.
http://winnicottwednesdays.weebly.com/traces-the-unthought-known.html 'Tiger' by Beth Hoyes, shown next to artwork by Sarah Hall. Bollas, C. (1987) The Shadow of the Object, USA |